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OMG … My Grandmother Just Got Certified as a Motivational Speaker!

Got you! Can you imagine. I had to use my sweet grandma just to get you here. On a serious note, her teachings by the fire place have contributed to what I have become today.

Ok, let us talk about some serious stuff.

Did you know that your story can change the world, impact lives and also earn you a living?

A number of opportunities always open up when you begin to share your story. I am very sure you know of some people in your life that have benefited just because they learnt how to communicate better and share their voice.

Your challenge right now is how to use your story? You may even know how but you are struck with fear whenever you think about getting in front of people. Not so long ago, I was where you are.

Allow me to say this, “Getting your fulfillment is more important than the fear of sharing your knowledge with the world.” You must learn to communicate your message effectively and in a way that inspires positive action.

You might be reading this and thinking to yourself, “I am already a great communicator and/or public speaker.” Well, if you’re, then that’s great. But if there are no results to show, then you know what’s up.

My challenge to you is to always keep learning how to share and communicate your story. Public speaking is a very learnable skill. I learnt it, many others have learnt it and they are now reaping the benefits.

I know a great if not the greatest public speaking coach and he has some awesome public speaking tips on his blogs. I am sure they will help you share your story much more effectively.


Hassan Balix

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